Monday, 15 August 2011

Ready, Steady, Slip Over

A run on the North Downs... who could resist that on a beautiful Sunday morning! My alarm went off and I promptly turned over, turned it off and fell back asleep... oh dear.
Waking again at 7am (I was meeting the others at 7.15) I was glad I had laid out all my kit the night before, quickly got ready and hopped in the car to drive to the meet point... half way there disaster struck, I started to feel sick and as I looked at my left wrist I saw it was naked... no Garmin! There was no way I could run without it so a quick u-turn and back home I headed.
Arriving late the others forgave me... I followed the lead-footed Duncan and Jerry to meet Michael just past Knockholt Pound. We started out onto the downs and within minutes so was I.... down that is and feeling a little silly. Up and carried on like the brave soldier that I am!
We ran up and down on trail and over stiles, past churches and country manor houses, horse riders and cyclists on a simply glorious Sunday morning. Many of the hills were too tough to run the whole way for me so I staggered, stumbled, shuffled and made it to the top of each one, the gents waiting patiently. 
On route we munched our way through nature, eating green plums (a little sour and potentially explosive) and blackberries, followed by a the much sweeter fruit pastilles provided by Duncan.
After nearly 8 miles and back at the car we finished off the pastilles, had a satsuma and ummed and ahhed for merely seconds about adding on another 4 miles.... by this stage my knee was sure it wasn't the right thing to do after my tumble so headed home to chill out.


  1. I hope your knee is OK Liz, you didn't flinch when you stood up so we assumed you were all right. Those blackberries were scrumptious and will probably go back to pick some.

  2. yeah it felt fine at the time just bruised, bit of rest and comfrey cream will sort it out.

  3. sounds fun.... green plums and running ( did anyone have any loo roll!)
