So I considered going for a run in the morning but instead I settled for catching up with the sky+ planner and eating some delicious (even if I do say so myself) homemade Christmas cake, with bubble and squeak for lunch....yummmy! For those of you that are unaware:
"Bubble and squeak is a traditional English dish made with the shallow-fried leftover vegetables from a roast dinner. The main ingredients are potato and cabbage, but carrots, peas, brussels sprouts, and other vegetables can be added."
In the evening I arrived earlier for running club and had time for a chat as Jerry played, spot the shiny Christmas gifts, jumpers, trainers, jackets, GPS watches galore! It was a pretty good turnout with around 40 runners showing for the post Christmas extravagance run to get the weight loss off to a flying start. Peter led the group and after about 4 miles decided we should do some fartleks, great idea until he started shouting behind me, first frightening me then sending me into fits of laughter. But the lesson I learnt today - and one that should not surprise me - is that eating a brussel sprout heavy lunch and running is doable quite safely, doing fartleks after a brussel sprout heavy lunch, well.... the name says it all.
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