Throwing on my kit, grabbing my garmin, swigging a quick glass of milk and scooped up the car keys and was out of the door in record time. I pulled into the bar park at 8:57 but arggghhhhhh no spaces, found one at the other end and leapt into action, running to the start line.
I arrived in time for announcements and heard that Johnny G was pacing today at 24mins so I set a course through the crowds to reach him. I made it just before the start and just hoped I was up to this after the miles clocked up yesterday. I maintained my place just ahead of the 24 min group, hearing Johnny's chatter behind me was spurring me on to keep going but after about half way I just didn't have it to stick with them. I kept as close as I could but the gap was widening. Soon enough we had less than half a mile to go and although I didn't think I could catch up with Johnny G I knew I had to speed up to get away from the man who was making the most horrific and painful noises. I kept pushing and crossed the line at 24:25, not a PB but not too far from it.
Afterwards it was nice to catch up with some familiar faces and I even had a little cuddle with the gorgeous baby Ben! Nice way to start the weekend and what lovely weather we are having - I hope it isn't too hot tomorrow.
Well done Liz, things are looking good