The alarm was going off, Hubby was already up and getting ready. Luckily we had got most things ready for our epic bike ride from Buckingham palace to Windsor Castle (45 Miles) last night so there was little to do when we got up.
We drove up to London and parked near the Royal Albert Hall, a mid point between the start point and where we we be dropped off later. A two mile warm up and we were at the start line to meet our friends. It was a chilly but dry morning and everyone seemed in good spirits as we made our way to the start line. sending riders off at 2 minute intervals there was no crowding and we started smoothly, cycling towards Buckingham Palace before turning left and heading to the Thames. after 2 miles our super fast cycling buddy left us in his wake and sped off, not to be seen again for a few hours. The remaining 3 of us stuck together for a while longer before our other friend edged away and was lost to us.

"It's a bit misty Deer"
By far the most lovely part of the route was when we entered the delightfully misty Richmond Park. There seemed to be hundreds of wildlife photographers out and you could see why although it was a little alarming when two emerged from the bushes in full camoflage covering themselves and their cameras - bet they got some great shots though this morning! We soon broke and stopped for a picture as a stagged galloped across the round ahead of us then looped back behind, then again further up a path where the mist was low and the deer were hiding out in the trees. So worth it.
Stop don't stop
Whilst gliding through the misty expanses of Richmond Park we reached the first stop at about 10 miles, after a quick exchange we decided we were doing just fine and dandy and would continue on to the next station before stopping which was another 10 miles away. So, now 20 miles into the ride it was time to stop and refuel, we ate banana's and dates, drank plenty. Considered removing a layer but it was still too cold for me, offered my second pair of gloves to hubby in a moment slightly reminiscent of Dumb & Dumber.
Making our way along cournty lanes and through a town (Woking maybe?) we carried on with the banana fuel making its way to our tiring legs, we knew we'd be stopping again at the next station (35 miles). This station was a bit more packed with cyclists, one or two cycled through the masses without stoopping but most took a few mintues out to grab some water and yet more dates. Setting off again, with only 10 miles to go we were worried about one comment from another rider saying the last 10 miles were the worst as there were lots of hills.... argh.... now they tell us!
Crash Bang Wallop
Another 3 miles on and two horrible hills later (both of which we managed without stopping) we were happily cycling along in suingle file as the traffic passed us by and the occasisional other rider. Then Hubby with tried legs tried to overtake me, he slightly misjudged and then I heard a loud shout behind me. I had a moment filled with dread before I turned around as to what I might see. He was in a bit of a heap on the floor, bike on top but the injury appeared to be limited to a scraped knee (lots of blood though), shock and a scraped shoulder - although we didn't know about this until later.

Final Destination
Before long we were entering Windsor, past, Windsor castle, through the town and towards the racecourse, our final destination. We approached the line together, once again doing a lttle bike based Gangnam style dance as we crossed the line (hope the phtoographer caught it!) and we were done! 45 miles over and out! Boom!
Lucky Coach
We were booked onto a coach later in the afternoon but luckily there were a few no shows and we hopped on one back to central London two hours earlier than our original plan. What a touch! The 2 miles back to the car were a challenge to my now tender rear but we made it and headed for home.
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