The plan was simple, I would run with Kate to work and then return to start to get ready for the wedding. Kate forewarned me that running with a backpack makes her running style a little odd - she was not wrong, her arms seem to poke outwards like some meathead at the gym who is all roided up! Along the route Kate was quick to point out any tricky areas where I might get lost or miss the turning on the way back luckily we have some good landmarks like the start of the Nottingham Half, the Games Workshop head office, a church a big red cow to name a few. We arrived at Kate's swish workplace after 3.5 miles where I had a quick nosey around... very swish and she even has her picture on the wall now! We were offered complimentary fruit, I declined and headed back out the door to retrace my steps. I made it back without a wrong turn and forcing the commuters of Nottingham to say hello to me as I trotted cheerfully along wishing them good morning!
If only Kate and I lived closer, very pleasant commute that would be each day.
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