As told through the eyes of a first time solo runner
Last year as we prepared to start the Thunder Run 2012 I saw two of my team members from Womens Running magazine team (my first Thunder Run in 2011) who were going solo. I knew at that moment I would be back the following year and giving it a go myself. How could I not?
Support Crew Briefing
Job one for part of the support crew was to arrive on Friday, secure a good pitch, get the tents up. I got the text on Friday evening to confirm Phase 1 was complete. Dad, Sue and Beau (the dog) had arrived safely and were set up ready for us in the morning. Myself and Hubby arrived just after 9am (a little later than planned following a late night and slow morning following our good friends wedding on the Friday!). We had been hosted by good pals Kate and Paddy who had provided a comfortable bed and good carb loading for the previous two nights.On arrival we located the camp and got unpacked and had a catch up for a little whole then I went through my briefing note as the micky was quite rightly taken! It was full of useful tips including now to put blankets round me when I stop, not to argue and not to worry about mood swings but most importantly make sure I eat and drink every time I pass!
And so it begins (Lap 1)
I had not managed to find any Petts Wood Runners prior to the start and was scouting around looking at them as we waited to begin the race. In this time I remembered although I had put on suncream, I had been wearing leggings and last minute changed to shorts... noooooo.... my knees would surely burn! Luckily I saw a bag near some spectators, there were people around it but it wasn't theirs. I could see the suncream, they agreed as a solo runner the owner wouldn't mind and I could have as much as I liked. Creaming my knees I felt much better and then from the crowds emerged Ray. Before long the race had begun and we stuck together for a while soon coming to a bottle neck (this only happens on the first lap but as the runners spread the course it never happens again thorough 24 hours).![]() |
Lovin it lovin it lovin it! |
Feeling hot hot hot (Laps 2 and 3)
It was a really hot day, the sun blasting down and my fingers were swelling - sadly unlike Mont Blanc there were no snow drifts for me to grab handfuls of snow from to cool them! Luckily at the half way point and water station there were also buckets filled with cold water and wet sponges. holding my hands in there for a few minutes did help ease the swelling and help me pick up cups again. The best part of this station was the lady, then children who sprayed us runners on request with a hose. So so good!As a team (the support crew and myself) we got a great system in place where Hubby would see me cross the start/finish line, I would then call out an order if hot food was required or anything else special then I would carry on for the next 2.5km. By this time, the order was in place and they were on the course to hand me whatever I fancied.
Around this point I also saw Anne-Marie on the sidelines which was another great boost for me, at that point it was still warm and I think she was wishing to be a solo runner as well... the change that would ensure later in weather soon had her relieved I am sure!
During these laps I saw Emma and ran with her for a while, less than a km but great to see a familiar face on the course. I also high five our youngest PWR supporter as Ray and Michelle shouted out their encouragement to me. Writing this the laps are blurring, I know I saw all the team, although Matt was the only one I didn't see on the course.
The curious incident of the frog in the bushes (Laps 4 and 5)
Sadly as happens to runners from time to time I started to get some bad stomach pains and dubious rumblings Hmm I may need to had a comfort break but there was not another one for at least 6km, I need to find somewhere and soon. I was clearly looking muddles and another solo runner (No. 47) helped direct me to a 'safe' spot. I made my way into the bushes and proceeded to do the necessary, then to my horror a tiny frog leaped up... what a very near miss he had!!! Poor thing, that really would have been a crap way to go.The bacon butty handed to me at the start of lap 5 was pure amazingness, I am sure there was a whole pack of bacon in there - Sue certainly does not scrimp on fillings!!! It was good fuel and prepared me for the next lap, part of which was the Continental Challenge (running 100m up a hill and being timed). I spotted the PWR emblem, and Karien speeding up the hill past me, she has clearly been training hard as she flew up the hill overtaking several others (me included hard as I tried!). I shouted out to here and she held off at the top for me and wished me luck then I bid her farewell! The heat and the time on my feet were beginning to take their toll and I was not sure how much more was left in me without a little break. I signed the T sign to Hubby as I passed the start line, I had meant Tea but when I arrived I saw steak and potatoes were nearly done... this was far superior!
So it was dinner time for sure by now, about 7:30pm and I needed some snap (as my dad would say), on the menu tonight, steak and potatoes... yum! Although I had decided to stop for the food now, I wanted to get another lap in before the sun went down completely. After eating some rather lovely medium-rare steak... so good. I quickly popped into the tent to get some fresh clothes on as it was cooling and I was very sweaty. No sooner had I changed then the heavens opened and thunder/lightning and torrential rains ensued.
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Muddy times = still good times |
We don't need another hero
Now comes the Thunder - oh and how delighted the commentator was about this... well sure he was the namesake of the race but he didn't have to run in it did he!! I feel he may also have tempted it an hour previously when he was saying everywhere around had storms but we had escaped, escaped indeed. I changed into fresh dry clothes, settled down on my camp bed and slept for about a 90 minutes, Hubby was left with instructions to wake me again when the Thunder had ceased.Once more into the fray (Laps 6 and 7)
It was late night now, the camp site was pretty quiet and the rain was still falling but the thunder and lightning had passed us by. Ready to go, I got my pack sorted, stuck on my head torch and once again took to the trails. Before long I was pretty wet and the formerly dry trails had turned into rivers of mud, grateful for my trail shoes I kept going but it was tough and grip was fleeting. Through the darkness I saw a familiar running gait, it was Ray, again! I shouted out to the mud covered Ray who then stuck with me for a little while as we negotiated the muddy tracks together. I was was tough but fresh from my nap I was glad to be out but even more grateful for the company. Ray seemed to have his destiny written in the mud as he was toppling over every few steps, nearly taking me down at least once! I showed him the brick I thought that looked like a chocolate bar and he said he hoped not to find me later chomping on rocks. He kept me going as we laughed and joked then he headed off worrying about the next team member having to wait in the rain for him. It was much tougher in these conditions than may had anticipated, mud is one thing, but mud, darkness, torrential rain and hundreds of feet churning the ground made it night on impossible. I really must bring my mud claw next time!!
As the 7th lap started I knew I was at least able to match my laps from last year, my first target. I came across a lady from the Triumph team (I know her number not her name 1331), she too was struggling in the rain and wanted to go back but we palled up. We were a good match, as I reached my crew she waited while I necked a cuppa then we decided we would get each other round. It was really tough going and alone I would have started to flake but with my new friend we laughed and chatted, neither of us fell, we helped each other negotiate tough parts, her torch was stronger so made seeing the way better. I felt a little sad as she passed to her next team member as she was heaven sent to get me round.
By now, I was tired though, and the wet was creeping through, although I had company we had walked and I had now been outside for about 3.5 hours. I was getting chilled. I decided to come off course and change and rest. the conditions were so tough I felt grateful to be a solo runner as it gave me the option not to be out in it, nor to force another team member out. As I reached the tent, another cuppa was handed to me, and I started to peel off the muddy layers, this whole process to dry and change me took the best part of 45 minutes. Finally fully changed, wrapped in two sleeping bags, two blankets and a towel I fell asleep for a little over an hour, my teeth chattering with the cold... I think I made the right decision.
Getting down to business (Laps 8 and 9)
don't look back - next year ??? |
I had had two breaks, not in the plan but weather and the risk of getting hypothermia were playing on my mind so I had stopped. I had made it round twice during the night taking me to the same distance I had done last year. As I had said in my briefing note, anything more than this was a bonus, I could get up and just do what I could in the morning.
I woke around 5.15am and began getting ready to run, a bacon sarnie and a cuppa were soon thrust into my hands by dad and Sue who had not realised I had been out again during the night. Once again they had the look in the eyes of people talking to a crazy person and that crazy person was me!
Not long into lap 9 and I saw Eleanor from the PWR team as she waited for the next runner to give her the baton. A huge cheer was coming from the handover area as us solo runners - a real good booster! Before long Eleanor had caught up with me and we ran together for a while before I detoured for some more food.
Desist with this number obsession (Lap 10)
As I ended lap 9 I was very concerned about my placement for some reason, I shouted at the commentator to find out where I was and announce it, I did this running backwards - maybe not the greatest idea at this stage. I was in 13th place, I had previously dropped to 15th but now moved back up. I was later to discover that Emma had heard the announcement from about 4km in. I reached the support crew and realised how tired I was, I knew I would finish lap 10 but didn't want the decision to run the 11th so I decided to sit for a while, they went to work on my legs and gave me food and drink. I set off again, mostly walking not wanting to get in before 24 hours so I didn't let that competitive spirit kick in and make me keep going for 11.I saw Ray for the 3rd time on the course, this was the shortest of our encounters, a wave and from me, a 'get going you can make it back for one more lap!'. I was tempted once again to leap in a red wheelie bin full of ice that one of the teams had brought but decline as I didn't want to run with wet bottoms!
To run or not to run
The plan to finish just after 24 hours did not work as I neared the end I started to hear the crowds and begun to run (probably a slow jog in reality I crossed the line with just over 1 minute to spare. The crowds shouting 'one more, one more' I shook my head and they laughed! Cheering again for me I crossed the line to the supporting and smiling faces of my crew. I was done. I had to stop now, one more would be amazing but I really couldn't say if I had it in me or not.
In Summary
- Frogs with near death experiences - 1
- Bricks that looked like chocolate - 1
- Mosquito bites - 2
- Fingers that looked like sausages - 10
- Sticks I stopped and stared at because I though it was a snake - 1
- Pairs of muddy trainers - 2
- Favourite thing I saw - A wheelie bin full of ice... mobile ice bath!
- Laps completed - 10
- Distance covered - 100km (62miles)
- Will I be back to do it all again - yeah I reckon so!
Fabulous blogging Liz. Well done. Please don't talk me into this. My husband hates camping.