Thursday 7 June 2012

#juneathon Day 7: Core blimey

After yesterday's Pilates, I decided today I would make a return to my Joanna Hall DVD. In the past I stuck to the Cardio Can-do and Stretch & Sculpt routines, opting not to partake in Cardio Yoga but I thought now I was ready for it and my core was in dire need of it.
30 minute cardio yoga was just the ticket and once again kept me out of the rain. I am still not convinced that I am really in the spirit of the Juneathon but hope I am for as much as I am exercising everyday but just not running every day. Quite simply I am not sure my legs are up to it at present but adding back in more cross-training has to be a good thing!?


  1. I think you are absolutely in the spirit of Juneathon. Personally i don't think it's healthy to run everyday, you need time to recover! And cross training will help you in the long run. Exercising every day is an achievement in itself so don't you dare beat yourself up about it.

    1. Thanks for the reassurance, I do have a tendancy to beat myself over some strange things when I sit and think about it properly afterwards!

  2. Sounds like you're doing an amazing job!
