We started off along the seafront and made our way inland and onto the South Downs and up a horrendous hill, it was touch, I made it some of the way but there was no way without a real big run up I could have done any more. Lexi on the other hand did make it further than me but still not to the top... but you must understand that looking up the hill it was one of those that makes you think if you don't concentrate you will just fall off the hill as it is so sheer like a cliff face! (or maybe that's just me). On route up the hill we started to chatting to a local weather worn old boy who was very helpful with directions and must have pretty strong legs having walked up and down that hill for years!
Next step we went off road, over hills, through brambles, over stiles, we were in fact double hard b@stards and especially Lexi who was able to lift both bikes above her head single handedly whilst negotiating nettles and climbing a stile. soon we were back on my terrain, a road!
This didn't last long as we were soon off-roading again, I was enjoying myself although found this tougher than my usual rides, we have been going for about 9 miles and with less than a mile to go I went careering off the path and into a farmers field, miraculously I stayed on the bike but not all the crops faired so well.
A good fun ride but definitely hard work having to climb stiles with a bike.
He he, I know how you feel about hills, especially with a bike that you have to get up there as well!!! It's not easy! And the south downs does have some horendous hills! Well done, with the whole off road trial riding, I do prefer road riding myself, less nettles, less tree roots and deffo less bugs!