Something I have learned since riding a bike more frequently is that I seem always to introduce at least 5 new bruises with every ride making my legs reminiscent of those of a young child after a summer of 'playing out' - not something that younger readers may be familiar with as much of their youth is spent 'playing computers' and collecting asbo's apparently. As a small child though these multiple bruises and scrapes just demonstrated your worry-free and somewhat kamikaze attitude to childhood games, climbing trees and walls, running with carefree abandon arms flailing in the air, paddling as hard as your legs could take you as we had no gears on our early bikes!

By the time of my return I had completed around 17.5 miles and my shins were smarting where I had smashed into my pedal (don't ask) although my rather awesome long socks with shorts combo had protected the skin from breaking. I treated myself to a big plate of scrambled eggs on toast and two cups of tea.
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