A warm-up lap around the block was a good a start and although very warm still I managed a decent pace and was certainly warmed up by the time we returned. A group of PWRs were taking part in their usual Thursday night special training so we set ourselves up to one side but waved our hello's.
The sweatier we got the more bugs circled us.... at the bets of times I am pretty tasty to insects and anyone who saw the state of my legs when in Thailand will testify to this so will all the increased sweating my delectable flavour seemed to send out a messages to all the little bloodsuckers. We were slapping away the bugs as we did sit ups, stretched and pretty much everything. As we departed at the end of the session one had even tried to get a lift home, he ended up splatted on the inside of my car window. I counted 23 bites which had all swollen considerably in the short time it took to drive home and shower.... bad times. Dose up on antihistamines and pray for the best I reckon!
Marmite...on my list after supaglue, duct tape and WD40. Excellent savoury spread and insect repellant