A 5am wake up call was not the best preparation especially
as I had struggled to sleep but with my bags and bike packed and by the door,
we loaded up the car and hit the road. Heading to Cranleigh Leisure Centre for
the Cranleigh Tryathon 2015. A
beginner/novice friendly sprint distance triathlon with a great number of
cheering and whoopingingly friendly marshals. We would be meeting my aunty Teresa,
Cairine and Kirsten (all had competed last year) and the other triathlon
virgins like myself; Lexi and the father & son duo Paul and Dan.
As we entered the car park, straight away I spotted Lexi’s
car and we went to park up next to her and her husband who had come along to
support (and apparently to ride everyone’s bikes and give his assessment of
them!). I picked up my timing chip and someone write on my arm and leg in black
marker… I got magnummed* and I wasn’t even on tour or asleep!
With Lexi, Teresa and Paul we went to the transition area to
set up our bikes and the kit we would need in transition, trainers, race belt,
towel etc. Now much happier that things seemed to be moving along after such an
early start we made our way to the pool viewing gallery for the race briefing.
A very jovial man named Simon gave us the run down of the event and pointed out
that despite the fact the large banner by the pool said Run we should
definitely swim in the water and likewise when we reached the turn point of the
run, we should not start to swim!!
Swim (300m)
One by one the swimmers entered the water, in a field of
almost 250 at 20 seconds intervals and me at number 213 I had a long wait ahead
of me. The advantage to this was that I got to see everyone else doing their
swim and cheer them as they got out of the water which kept me nicely
distracted from what lay ahead.
As I approached the start point of the swim, I was very
nervous, my hands started to shake almost uncontrollably, I started to doubt my
predicted time and the field was moving quicker now so I was on the side of the
pool lowering myself in clearly looking like a startled rabbit as Simon (the
swim starter) told me to stay calm and enjoy myself.
The logistics of the swim were very well managed, and no lap
counting was required as we did two lengths per lane and moved over until all 6
lanes and 12 lengths and 300m were completed. My feet were tickled a couple of
times during my swim and I waited for the faster swimmers to pass but I didn't feel pressure from this and after about half of the swim I think I finally
stopped shaking and was able to breathe more efficiently. I exited the pool to
shouts and cheers from my husband and another friend of the group, Carmel.
Bike (16km)

Out of the car park and onto some lovely country lanes I
found my pace and pedalled hard. Kilometers and miles were marked on the road
which made it easier to try and calculate my pace as I cycled along, being
overtaken regularly by the fast swimmers on their fast road bikes!
On a short incline I saw one of the organisers Sean (I
recognised from the event Facebook page) and hollered something of that nature
to him. I reached half way and was surprised at how well I was doing compared to
my usual bike pace but this could be due to the slightly undulating and mostly
flat nature of the course. Then I found one possible advantage to starting so
late in the field was that the road ahead was clear and I probably got more
than my fair share of photos from the official race photographer! The second
half of the route was familiar from our drive to the leisure centre some hours
earlier so I knew what to expect… the toughest part being an incline just after
12km but I made it up and the sun was shining.
On the approach back to the transition area I saw my husband
once again cheering me on and telling me how well I was doing. It’s really very
nice to have your own personal cheerleader particularly as a first timer.
Run (5km)

More enthusiastic marshals clapped and whooped as I made my
way round the field and onto the trail for the out and back part of the run.
Before long I spotted Lexi coming towards me, we waved and exchanged a few
words. Next up was Teresa and we high-fived as we passed each other, before
long I passed a smiling Cairine and the last of our group Kirsten.

Slightly confuddled, but happy, I was done and I had made it
in under 1 hour 20 minutes. Not bad for a Triathlon Virgin!
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