Monkey Track Thursday
For regular readers of The Magic Forest - and those who are not probably should be - you will know that Monkey Track Thursday is a weekly activity of this blogs author. Where he joins Petts Wood Runners at their weekly track training session but uses this as a pacing session where he runs laps in a metronomic style.
Not quite up to a full on track session but wishing to run with company I decided to join Jerry in his monkey footed running antics - only without monkey feet of my own and simply my super duper Nike Flyknits!
We hit the track do run circuits along with a young addition to our crew, the son of another PWR. This young lad seemed to effortlessly keep pace with us for 4 miles at which point I gave up (as I didn't want to push my back too far) and he took the out too, although I am sure he could have outlasted me had he felt so inclined!
We watched the rest of the track crew under Mike and Hels instruction continue their speed work and chatted to those in between reps. As ever it was nice to get out and see poeple from the club and catch up on their going-ons and marathon stories.
I had been baking prior to leaving and lucky for Jerry (and a few others) there were a few extra macarons brought to the track as well and distributed afterwards.
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