Once I had finally got my spot and jogged to the meeting point I had missed the announcements and as I floundered to find my group I set off with group 3, then spotted group 4 and defected... sadly after about 1.5 miles my knee started to have a little niggle. I could see the group pulling away and worried about my knee I bid farewell to Dave B and detoured heading back towards my car.
On my return route I saw Emma G running on the other side of the road, she was unable to make it to the club in time so was out running solo, after a quick catch up we headed our separate ways. As I got closer to the car my knee stopped its twinging and I was going at a good pace once again. I think I need a couple of runs solo to get my confidence back - lately runs with others seem to leave me feeling a little left behind and struggling to keep up, yet like tonight when I ran alone my pace is faster and I don't struggle. Too much chattering I fear. I'll maybe go out again tomorrow... well it's that or a spin class so let's let the weather dictate.
I have the opposite, when I'm by myself I am a little lazier and take more walking stops, even running with my sister I am still a little lazier!