Fibre runners was formed on an early Sunday morning trail run with some friends, we talked of living off the land as we ran and eating what nature provides without explosive incidents. I am a "teller of stories" so I have been told by a very wise man and here you will find the stories, pick and choose as you see fit.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
#juneathon Day 30: The final curtain
The day was finally upon me, the last day of the Juneathon, and so was a slight hangover from last nights hen celebration excesses but along with two others we headed out from our cave and into a bright sunny morning. It was in question if I need to go out at all as my dancing had carried me over the threshold into the 30th day but better safe than sorry and no-one wants to fall at the last hurdle!
At different levels and abilities we headed up to a park we had spotted upon our arrival yesterday afternoon power walking our way there, we did a series of boot camp style exercises and some running around the edge of the park. We reconvened for round two of boot camp drills but found ourselves a little close to another actual boot camp and thought it was a bit too similar to the opening scenes of Bridesmaids so we moved away to lunge and to pelvic tilts in unison!

Friday, 29 June 2012
#juneathon Day 29: Almost taste that finish...
Up early with the sun, I was pounding the pacements at at 5:45am, pretty early even by my standards. I had planned to do a simple circular road route but with the blue skies overhead and the sun shining down it seemed a waste not to venture into the woods. I took trails I hadn't hit for some time and just let my feet carry me without to much thought to my route for the first couple of miles. So refreshing to run without a plan and through the woods and over trails is the best place to do this sort of activity. I emerged from the woods and before long had found my way back into them for the final mile before home. So sad to be finishing this run, it was one of those days I felt I could just keep going forever - but alas work was calling.

Thursday, 28 June 2012
#juneathon Day 28: 3000 Miles

I started running just over three years ago and haven't looked back since so how funny when I looked at my running log tonight and noticed that my last run had taken me to exactly 3,000 miles.
By anyone's standards that has to be pretty impressive.... okay so some Ultra runners may knock that out simply training for one event but to me... a pretty sedentary person (although I might not have thought I was) this is a major achivement and thought worthy of a note!
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
#juneathon Day 27: Jelly Arms

A variety of cardio on the treadmill, x-trainer, rowing machine and then we hot the weights machines for a 'super set' and I'm not so sure I'd call it super but I did managed it even if my arms were like jelly afterwards! It was then time to work on my core and before I knew it the session was over, I had worked hard, was soaked in sweat but working out with someone else the time does fly and I definately push myself harder.
I went home satisfied and in a much better mood than I had been a few hours earlier so all in all a very successful session and only 3 days left of the juneathon too, almost unsure what a rest day feels like anymore.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
#juneathon Day 26: Midsummers Run
This evening was warm and muggy, so very warm and so very muggy. Not ideal running conditions for me but I guess better than driving wind and rain.
Tonight was alos week 7 of our 8 week beginners courseand had stepped up time running again to 8mins with 1 min walk breaks, everyone is doing so fantastcially well. we left the rec in 3 small groups - everyone is finding their natural pace now which is great to see. I think we may have a few new additions to groups 3 and 4 at the club very soon!
Tonight was also the PWR midsummers run where the usual format is slighlty changed and we spilt into 3 larger groups for runs through the woods stopping off at a 2 check piunts for lemonade or beer and socialisuing before heading to the next!
First stop was in Chislehurst and I ran there with groups 1/2, then onwards from there I moved up to Groups 3/4 as we departed and went through Scadbury to emerge at the other side to a strikingly similar drinks station and yet more beer.
This run, now a tradition for PWR is such a good way to get around the different groups and meet new or catch up with people you don't normally get to run with. I was somewhat concerned about the insects as stopping in the woods could just be asking for trouble epecially with my rather tasty flesh (not my words - but proof from the thousands of insect bites!). Departing the last checkpoint we headed to our final destination the rather fabulous garden of Mike and Dawn where we were treated to Pimms as we readied for the Grand Prix (and other events) prizegiving.
Tonight was alos week 7 of our 8 week beginners courseand had stepped up time running again to 8mins with 1 min walk breaks, everyone is doing so fantastcially well. we left the rec in 3 small groups - everyone is finding their natural pace now which is great to see. I think we may have a few new additions to groups 3 and 4 at the club very soon!
Tonight was also the PWR midsummers run where the usual format is slighlty changed and we spilt into 3 larger groups for runs through the woods stopping off at a 2 check piunts for lemonade or beer and socialisuing before heading to the next!
First stop was in Chislehurst and I ran there with groups 1/2, then onwards from there I moved up to Groups 3/4 as we departed and went through Scadbury to emerge at the other side to a strikingly similar drinks station and yet more beer.
This run, now a tradition for PWR is such a good way to get around the different groups and meet new or catch up with people you don't normally get to run with. I was somewhat concerned about the insects as stopping in the woods could just be asking for trouble epecially with my rather tasty flesh (not my words - but proof from the thousands of insect bites!). Departing the last checkpoint we headed to our final destination the rather fabulous garden of Mike and Dawn where we were treated to Pimms as we readied for the Grand Prix (and other events) prizegiving.
#juneathon Days 22-25: Tardy blogger!

Day 22 - a bit of a slow day on the exercise front, I was a little sore from my personal training session the day before so I opted for a short easy walk instead of anything too challenging.
Day 23 - knowing I was going to be away fr the weekend I booked myself onto an early body pump class. I am keen to make it a regular thing as if I miss more than one week I seem to go back to square one which means very sore arms indeed.
Day 24 - Up early and out in the quiet Sunday morning streets of the Cotswolds... it was awesome! I'm not sure if I enjoyed it so much because I didn't have a plan, I didn't know where I was going or because it was so flat it was like god had ironed the land ready for me to run on. A vague idea of running about 3-4 miles gradually spiralled to 7 and I wanted to keep on going but knowing there was a bacon butty waiting for me made me detour back to base!
Day 25 - after a long and pretty tiring weekend I was up early once again but opted for a half mile swim to stretch myself out and meet my juneathon obligations. My speed was constant as ever but I think I enjoyed the sauna afterwards more than the swim!
Thursday, 21 June 2012
#juneathon Day 21: 1-2-1 Action!

We have established a baseline now so I think it may get harder before it gets easier but I am committed.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
#juneathon Day 20: Duck Soup
Round 1:
Another double whammy for me again today, I started at the Walnuts Lesiure Centre for a 6:45am spin class....eeek! It was awesome though and perhaps one of the best ways to wake you up and set you up for the day. Usually I do an evening spin class but this seemed like a good idea and indeed it was. Lets just see how long I can keep it up for.
Round 2:
My next round of exercise was prompted by the glorious sunshine and I decided to head off to Leybourne Lakes this evening and do a little open water swimming - the first one since the Great British Gas Swim.Sticking with my fowl theme of the last few days it seem almost perfect that the lake was filled with geese and other waterfowl. the little geese I met about 6 weeks ago were now getting big but still delightful to watch and swim amongst.
So clad in my wetsuit it took a while to loosen my arms up and I swam a loop of about half the lake and headed back to the jetty to de-robe and double dip in just a cossie, well the water was warm, the sun still out and it was lovely. Activity on the bank was increasing throughout my swim as a group of athleets were preparing for a Triathlon - I declined staying to watch in case I somehow ended up signing uopi to the next one. So easily talked into things!
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
#juneathon Day 19: PWR Beginners Group Week 6

Very proud, I may have been a lame duck yesterday but today I am like a Mother Hen looking after her chicks as they grow and get ready to go it alone!
Monday, 18 June 2012
#juneathon Day 18: Lame

This was truly all I could muster... that and an early night! HOpefully my aching muscles will reward me tomorrow!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Children of the Corn & Hippy Hunting
It was brought to the attention of many that this weekend last year was the infamous run during which we discovered a filed full of naked hippies, sitting outside a yurt around a camp fire. As good a reason as any we decided to relive the run this afternoon with a number of the original hippy hunting crew, this soon diminished to only 3 as Fathers Day and 'helping with homework' took over for several of our group.
Just before 4pm Jerry pulled up outside my house along with Duncan and we departed for Shoreham - it turned out is was open garden day in Shoreham so the narrows streets were packed with cars and people meandering slowing from one house to the next to inspect the flowers and rockeries I assume.
We soon departed the village passing gardens 11 and 12 and we escaped and entered Hippy Hunting territory highlighted by the trademark silage tank near the farm. We looked for our previous route and found it blocked with a field full of badgers, not just ordinary badgers but those of the horned variety so we scoped for another more suitable and potentially less dangerous route. Back we went to find only a field of gymkhana equipment and some horses it looks like the hippies were long gone and our hunt would reap no trophies!
Onwards we continued running through fields of corn, I slowed as Jerry and Duncan glided through the crops thoroughly happy to be out on what we were calling a Sunday 'bimble' (great new word thanks Jerry) and thought what a great picture it would make. we continued on, through fields and along trails, negotiated nettles and a water feature, reached Chelsfield Lakes and fought the temptation to jump in and cool off before discovering new routes on the return journey. To run with Jerry and Duncan on a run like this is a true pleasure, no pressure just running for the love of it and exploring the countryside. With his trademark running style Jerry is relentless and you can see why he does long distances, never seeming to tire and Duncan, it's just lovely to watch as he aeroplanes his way along. Such a lovely way to while away a sunny Sunday afternoon - it really has been too long since I ran with this pair. Not so long next time please gents.
It was brought to the attention of many that this weekend last year was the infamous run during which we discovered a filed full of naked hippies, sitting outside a yurt around a camp fire. As good a reason as any we decided to relive the run this afternoon with a number of the original hippy hunting crew, this soon diminished to only 3 as Fathers Day and 'helping with homework' took over for several of our group.
Just before 4pm Jerry pulled up outside my house along with Duncan and we departed for Shoreham - it turned out is was open garden day in Shoreham so the narrows streets were packed with cars and people meandering slowing from one house to the next to inspect the flowers and rockeries I assume.
We soon departed the village passing gardens 11 and 12 and we escaped and entered Hippy Hunting territory highlighted by the trademark silage tank near the farm. We looked for our previous route and found it blocked with a field full of badgers, not just ordinary badgers but those of the horned variety so we scoped for another more suitable and potentially less dangerous route. Back we went to find only a field of gymkhana equipment and some horses it looks like the hippies were long gone and our hunt would reap no trophies!
Onwards we continued running through fields of corn, I slowed as Jerry and Duncan glided through the crops thoroughly happy to be out on what we were calling a Sunday 'bimble' (great new word thanks Jerry) and thought what a great picture it would make. we continued on, through fields and along trails, negotiated nettles and a water feature, reached Chelsfield Lakes and fought the temptation to jump in and cool off before discovering new routes on the return journey. To run with Jerry and Duncan on a run like this is a true pleasure, no pressure just running for the love of it and exploring the countryside. With his trademark running style Jerry is relentless and you can see why he does long distances, never seeming to tire and Duncan, it's just lovely to watch as he aeroplanes his way along. Such a lovely way to while away a sunny Sunday afternoon - it really has been too long since I ran with this pair. Not so long next time please gents.
#juneathon Day 17: Life's a Breeze
Adverts, posters, TV, radio if you haven't heard of Skyride then you must live in a box!
I have seen this sky sponsored initiative to get everyone out and cycling so many times I thought I would check out the website and she what's occurring. As I am now trying to get a little more confident on my bike and also more capable of slightly longer distances this seemed like a good way to get me out and about. I found a group for women only heading out at 7.30am every Sunday morning, it sounded just right, about 15-20 miles at an average pace that fitted nicely with what I have been doing so I signed up a week ago. Up early I bundled my bike into the car and headed to the meet point (really I should have cycled there but this would have added 5miles at the beginning and end and who knew how well I would cope!). There was the group leader Gill (who maintains she is not a real cyclist - I beg to differ) and two other like minded ladies looking to get out with some company. It was just fantastic, great weather, good company, no macho competition when powering up the hills of which there were several and then a lovely cuppa at a cafe in the park when we got back. Superb way to start a Sunday and all done by 10:30am so I have the rest of the day do to with as I wished.
I have seen this sky sponsored initiative to get everyone out and cycling so many times I thought I would check out the website and she what's occurring. As I am now trying to get a little more confident on my bike and also more capable of slightly longer distances this seemed like a good way to get me out and about. I found a group for women only heading out at 7.30am every Sunday morning, it sounded just right, about 15-20 miles at an average pace that fitted nicely with what I have been doing so I signed up a week ago. Up early I bundled my bike into the car and headed to the meet point (really I should have cycled there but this would have added 5miles at the beginning and end and who knew how well I would cope!). There was the group leader Gill (who maintains she is not a real cyclist - I beg to differ) and two other like minded ladies looking to get out with some company. It was just fantastic, great weather, good company, no macho competition when powering up the hills of which there were several and then a lovely cuppa at a cafe in the park when we got back. Superb way to start a Sunday and all done by 10:30am so I have the rest of the day do to with as I wished.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
#juneathon Day 16: Shakin' it!
So after my failure to book body pump last night I arrived early at the gym on the off chance there had been some cancellations. I was in luck... or maybe not so lucky as now I ha two classes to complete back to back.... hmmmm!
When I thought about it I realised that I had probably not been to pump for about 2 months so this was not going to be easy. I dropped myself back down to my starter weights and was doing okay... after 45 minutes of the class with another fifteen to go my legs were burning and my arms were shaking but I held on and kept going. It was not easy by any stretch but the instructor kept an eye on me and my technique so lets hope the only aches I have tomorrow are legit ones.
I packed away my kit and quickly scooted through to the spin room where I had already prepped my bike and put out my spin shoes. I slipped then on and straight into my next class I went thankful that it is 45 mins and not a full hour. by 35 mins I was counting down the seconds I think. At one point during a legs only section at super slow speed I managed to come to a stand still and couldn't get the wheels turning again for a short while, oh the shame I was completely stuck with my legs screaming for mercy. Note to self, two classes are fine but try and at least have a short break in between.
When I thought about it I realised that I had probably not been to pump for about 2 months so this was not going to be easy. I dropped myself back down to my starter weights and was doing okay... after 45 minutes of the class with another fifteen to go my legs were burning and my arms were shaking but I held on and kept going. It was not easy by any stretch but the instructor kept an eye on me and my technique so lets hope the only aches I have tomorrow are legit ones.
I packed away my kit and quickly scooted through to the spin room where I had already prepped my bike and put out my spin shoes. I slipped then on and straight into my next class I went thankful that it is 45 mins and not a full hour. by 35 mins I was counting down the seconds I think. At one point during a legs only section at super slow speed I managed to come to a stand still and couldn't get the wheels turning again for a short while, oh the shame I was completely stuck with my legs screaming for mercy. Note to self, two classes are fine but try and at least have a short break in between.
Friday, 15 June 2012
#juneathon Day 15: Half Way Marker
I have made it to the halfway point, exercising everyday for the last two weeks, in hindsight was this a good idea. Hard to say really and today I wasn't feeling like it was. I was tired and fed up... I had a short power walk at lunchtime and then beat myself up over it for the rest of the day / evening as I didn;'t want to do anything else today, but how could I have come this far to give up. I couldn't.
My exercise was tenuous but at about 11pm whilst thinking I had failed I got back out of bed and did the plank, and some pilates type stretches and sit-ups. Then I went online and booked in for a spin class tomorrow morning. I think this counts and I went to sleep a little easier knowing I hadn't completed flaked!
Thursday, 14 June 2012
#juneathon Day 14: Garmin free....arghhhhh!
Today was a bit of a mish-mash of decisions of what I was going to do training wise. I had thoughts of swimming, returning to attend a Body Pump class, maybe squeeze in a spin session but instead I had arranged to meet with the support coach from my Coaching course to run over my progress, as it happens this was just ahead of Richard's special training session at Willet Rec so I stayed on to complete the session.
The big issue was that due to my training indecision of the morning I was missing one vital piece of kit... my Garmin! OMG how ws I going to cope, I never (and I really mean that) run without my Garmin. I mean seriously, its very sad, I in fact find it hard to run without my Garmin not knowing speed and pace and time. So to run without it was a real eye opener and to run speed intervals with only myself to relay on was very strange indeed. I think I did okay, maybe I did better than I thought its very hard to say. The only the gauge I have to relate to how far I went or how fast was the number f laps around the fields and that the speed sessions were run for 12 minutes. My calculations are rough but I am guessing about 3.5 miles including the warm up but I really cannot say for sure! This was probably a good thing for me... maybe I am growing!
Glad I did as well as it was good to stretch my legs and mix it up a bit with drills, speed work, core work before stretching off, chatting with friends and heading home for my dinner! I was doubly please as when I arrived home, no sooner had I put my key in the lock and turned that the rain turned on and proceeded to absolutely belt it down, haha rain, foiled again by my amazing waterproofed timing.
The big issue was that due to my training indecision of the morning I was missing one vital piece of kit... my Garmin! OMG how ws I going to cope, I never (and I really mean that) run without my Garmin. I mean seriously, its very sad, I in fact find it hard to run without my Garmin not knowing speed and pace and time. So to run without it was a real eye opener and to run speed intervals with only myself to relay on was very strange indeed. I think I did okay, maybe I did better than I thought its very hard to say. The only the gauge I have to relate to how far I went or how fast was the number f laps around the fields and that the speed sessions were run for 12 minutes. My calculations are rough but I am guessing about 3.5 miles including the warm up but I really cannot say for sure! This was probably a good thing for me... maybe I am growing!
Glad I did as well as it was good to stretch my legs and mix it up a bit with drills, speed work, core work before stretching off, chatting with friends and heading home for my dinner! I was doubly please as when I arrived home, no sooner had I put my key in the lock and turned that the rain turned on and proceeded to absolutely belt it down, haha rain, foiled again by my amazing waterproofed timing.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
#juneathon Day 13: Swim Style
The weather was so lovely this morning I nearly changed my planned swim to a run... but I did not in the end but spent my rather relaxed swim assessing the multitude of swim styles.
The swims I have observed in the pool are as follows:
The swims I have observed in the pool are as follows:
- Rogue Leg - she can be spotted by the silver swimming cap and I may have mentioned her before. one leg and both her arms behave as they should, the other legs flys out of the water at peculiar angles threatening to destroy any that cross its path. It has a will of its own.
- Spaghetti Arms - it is self explanatory and needless to say he does not swim in a straight line.
- Karate Chop - quit scary and a a lady I avoid at all costs. She is oblivious to other pool users and chops the water with a flat hand and arm creating as much resistance as possible and therefore producing little speed and a lot of splash. It wouldn't surprise me if her arms were red raw afterwards.
- Flap and smack back stroke - this lady does a weird twisty flip with her arms as she raises in over her head and smashes in back into the water. I looks painful and despite the effort and aggression she never seems to go very far.
- Glider - fast and smooth like an arrow through the water, seemingly getting faster with every visit.
- Grasper - an almost doggy paddle style swim from this elderly lady but with a front crawl influence and hands grasping at the water like claws. It is not a good look.
- Upright chatter - too many of these to count, They do not swim but swim almost vertically at a very slow speed so they can chatter to one another for the duration before getting out and congratulating themselves on their hard work!
- Stan - last but not least a shout out to the man nearing the century, every morning without fail and always with a swim cap. His speed is almost imperceptible but he is nearly a hundred years old and always with a smile!
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
#juneathon Day 12: Hole in the Road
Rain Rain Go Away.. but try not to take the road away. I was more than apprehensive as I drive to work this morning, hearing on the radio how 2 months of rain had fallen in 36 hours or something equally absurd and slightly scary sounding. Then in the distance I saw a bin in the road, as I drew closer it turns out there was also a small cone a few feet away, between this cone and bin the middle of the road had collapsed (admittedly the image I have selected is slightly dramatic compared to what I actually saw). I skirted the hole in the road - ah the memories, 'hole in the road' in Sheffield as seen at the beginning of The Full Monty - and continued to work wondering what hazards I may face next and would my beginners group go ahead later this evening.
The rain eased up as the day went on and my hopes rose, probably like the rivers (too easy), arriving for the beginners group my willing participants trickled (see, did it again... water pun!) in ready to get running. Tonight's session was 2 ins job / 4 mins jog and repeat 5 times. We ventured out of the rec for the first time and into the streets, they all did great! Lovely to see how far everyone has come in only 5 weeks, soon they will be zooming past me on a club night I am sure.
After the group I stayed on to run with the club, sticking with group 3 I was able to chat and catch up as ever with my fellow runners and had a thoroughly enjoyable run with near perfect running weather cool, bright and definitely no rain!
![]() |
Sheffield |
After the group I stayed on to run with the club, sticking with group 3 I was able to chat and catch up as ever with my fellow runners and had a thoroughly enjoyable run with near perfect running weather cool, bright and definitely no rain!
Monday, 11 June 2012
#juneathon Day 11: Caution Deep Water
With rain coming down like a waterfall and flood warnings going out all over the news and on the radio there was no way I was about to take myself out into that to risk being washed away down a drain where I would then live out my days in a soggy sewer.
So, if you can't beat it, join it... swimming was the answer. Gathered my kit and headed out the door to travel through driving rain and giant puddles. I avoided the temptation to drive through the puddles and splash pedestrians as I knew had I been running and that had happened it would certainly not be a pleasing occurrence.
The swimming pool was jam-packed this morning and the slow lane was extra slow and the fast lane more medium so I opted for that. I had swum approximately half a mile (my aim) and then decided there was no good reason why I wasn't doing more and since this was the first swim since the Great British Gas Swim that perhaps I should keep going and hot the mile. After a while, Brian A appeared in the pool at some point, super focussed powering up and down the lanes before departing as I finished up and had a little chill out time in the sauna! Looks like as his triathlon approaches he has his mind on the prize!
So, if you can't beat it, join it... swimming was the answer. Gathered my kit and headed out the door to travel through driving rain and giant puddles. I avoided the temptation to drive through the puddles and splash pedestrians as I knew had I been running and that had happened it would certainly not be a pleasing occurrence.
The swimming pool was jam-packed this morning and the slow lane was extra slow and the fast lane more medium so I opted for that. I had swum approximately half a mile (my aim) and then decided there was no good reason why I wasn't doing more and since this was the first swim since the Great British Gas Swim that perhaps I should keep going and hot the mile. After a while, Brian A appeared in the pool at some point, super focussed powering up and down the lanes before departing as I finished up and had a little chill out time in the sauna! Looks like as his triathlon approaches he has his mind on the prize!
Sunday, 10 June 2012
#juneathon Day 10: third of the way
10 days into the Juneathon and I am quite shocked that I have actually managed to complete some sort of worthwhile exercise every day so far!
It's actually feeling less of a chore and I am kind of hoping my waistline will start to see the benefits of all this cross training that is going on by the end of the thirty days.
Today's run was 3 x 1 mile reps with about a 200m walk recovery between sets and a cool down run at the end. I was quite pleased to note that I still had decent speed in my legs despite the lack of distance of late (and since the marathon).
Next challenge I guess is to try and get some distance back into my runs so watch this space!
It's actually feeling less of a chore and I am kind of hoping my waistline will start to see the benefits of all this cross training that is going on by the end of the thirty days.
Today's run was 3 x 1 mile reps with about a 200m walk recovery between sets and a cool down run at the end. I was quite pleased to note that I still had decent speed in my legs despite the lack of distance of late (and since the marathon).
Next challenge I guess is to try and get some distance back into my runs so watch this space!
Saturday, 9 June 2012
#juneathon Day 9: Scrambled Legs
Today's juneathon exercise of choice was a bike ride, straight out the front door and see where my wheels and sense of direction took me... luckily the vague plan was based around a 16 mile taking in Crockenhill and perhaps Lullingstone at some point which more or less happened and include Chelsfield Village as well, taking in many hills on the way (only one where I had to de-bike and push... it was steeeeeep!).
Something I have learned since riding a bike more frequently is that I seem always to introduce at least 5 new bruises with every ride making my legs reminiscent of those of a young child after a summer of 'playing out' - not something that younger readers may be familiar with as much of their youth is spent 'playing computers' and collecting asbo's apparently. As a small child though these multiple bruises and scrapes just demonstrated your worry-free and somewhat kamikaze attitude to childhood games, climbing trees and walls, running with carefree abandon arms flailing in the air, paddling as hard as your legs could take you as we had no gears on our early bikes!
Oh those were the days! they were also the days that bruised legs didn't matter, or in fact they mattered only to show-off as to who had the biggest and most dangerous looking bruise and the tale that accompanied it. These days however, bruises matter. I have 3 weddings coming during the summer and with my mottled black, blue, purple and green shins I may have to re-think some of my frocks and go with a maxi dress to hide these unsightly welts!
By the time of my return I had completed around 17.5 miles and my shins were smarting where I had smashed into my pedal (don't ask) although my rather awesome long socks with shorts combo had protected the skin from breaking. I treated myself to a big plate of scrambled eggs on toast and two cups of tea.
Something I have learned since riding a bike more frequently is that I seem always to introduce at least 5 new bruises with every ride making my legs reminiscent of those of a young child after a summer of 'playing out' - not something that younger readers may be familiar with as much of their youth is spent 'playing computers' and collecting asbo's apparently. As a small child though these multiple bruises and scrapes just demonstrated your worry-free and somewhat kamikaze attitude to childhood games, climbing trees and walls, running with carefree abandon arms flailing in the air, paddling as hard as your legs could take you as we had no gears on our early bikes!

By the time of my return I had completed around 17.5 miles and my shins were smarting where I had smashed into my pedal (don't ask) although my rather awesome long socks with shorts combo had protected the skin from breaking. I treated myself to a big plate of scrambled eggs on toast and two cups of tea.
Friday, 8 June 2012
#juneathon Day 8: Sweaty disgrace!
All night the wind had been blowing a gale, the trees were slanting dangerously and the thought of running into the wind did not appeal in the slightest. My lack of motivation to be too active over the past two days was weighing heavy on my mind so last night I went to bed early, and was up early to head our for a spin class (grrr it was fully booked when I arrived just after the last spot had been sold).
So it was time to hit the gym, when exercising indoors however good the aircon might be a am a sweaty disgrace, there is no way around it, no way to avoid it... when I hit the gym I sweat!
I noticed some women in full make-up even at 6.30am meandering around the gym, walking on the treadmill whilst ready a magazine (why bother?).
I decided to break down my workout into chunks of 10 minutes starting with the cross-trainer for a warm-up, then the rowing machine, a stepper (killer on the calves), 1.5miles in 11 minutes (sure I can do a little better next time), 10 mins of sit-ups and work with the medicine ball all rounded off with a cool down on the bike for 10 minutes and stretching. I looked horrendous and beetroot but what a way to start the day!
So it was time to hit the gym, when exercising indoors however good the aircon might be a am a sweaty disgrace, there is no way around it, no way to avoid it... when I hit the gym I sweat!
I noticed some women in full make-up even at 6.30am meandering around the gym, walking on the treadmill whilst ready a magazine (why bother?).
I decided to break down my workout into chunks of 10 minutes starting with the cross-trainer for a warm-up, then the rowing machine, a stepper (killer on the calves), 1.5miles in 11 minutes (sure I can do a little better next time), 10 mins of sit-ups and work with the medicine ball all rounded off with a cool down on the bike for 10 minutes and stretching. I looked horrendous and beetroot but what a way to start the day!
Thursday, 7 June 2012
#juneathon Day 7: Core blimey
After yesterday's Pilates, I decided today I would make a return to my Joanna Hall DVD. In the past I stuck to the Cardio Can-do and Stretch & Sculpt routines, opting not to partake in Cardio Yoga but I thought now I was ready for it and my core was in dire need of it.
30 minute cardio yoga was just the ticket and once again kept me out of the rain. I am still not convinced that I am really in the spirit of the Juneathon but hope I am for as much as I am exercising everyday but just not running every day. Quite simply I am not sure my legs are up to it at present but adding back in more cross-training has to be a good thing!?
30 minute cardio yoga was just the ticket and once again kept me out of the rain. I am still not convinced that I am really in the spirit of the Juneathon but hope I am for as much as I am exercising everyday but just not running every day. Quite simply I am not sure my legs are up to it at present but adding back in more cross-training has to be a good thing!?
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
#juneathon Day 6: mixing it up!
So I guess when the Juneathon was first concived it was just about running, then it became about running and toher exercise.... now it suggests activity and excuses. Well I really hate to make excuses, in fact I never do, they are always good and justifiable reasons - or so I tell myself!
This evening was no different, I wanted to run but I didn't want to run. My legs are still tired but I have signed up for Juneathon and am still suffering the guilt of only walking on day 2 so I needed for my own sanity to do what I would consider 'proper' exercise (walking is of course exercise but the level I am now at it just doesn't quite cut it when a lovely stroll).
I needed motivation, I couldn't find any. I went to get my kit and spotted the yoga mat... aha a plan was hatching! I got out a Pilates DVD using some crazy circle device (see picture)... it was the first time I had done this DVD although I think that my dabbling in PIlates of late put me in good sted and I was impressed that I was able to complete the workout without having to modify (simplify) my moves.
Not quite a run but still avticiy and definatly not an excuse (I hope!).
This evening was no different, I wanted to run but I didn't want to run. My legs are still tired but I have signed up for Juneathon and am still suffering the guilt of only walking on day 2 so I needed for my own sanity to do what I would consider 'proper' exercise (walking is of course exercise but the level I am now at it just doesn't quite cut it when a lovely stroll).
I needed motivation, I couldn't find any. I went to get my kit and spotted the yoga mat... aha a plan was hatching! I got out a Pilates DVD using some crazy circle device (see picture)... it was the first time I had done this DVD although I think that my dabbling in PIlates of late put me in good sted and I was impressed that I was able to complete the workout without having to modify (simplify) my moves.
Not quite a run but still avticiy and definatly not an excuse (I hope!).
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
#juneathon Day 5: Jubilee weekend round-up

As planned, week 4 of the beginners group went ahead this week, runners turning up were low as expected, maybe due to the rain and maybe due to other Jubilee based activities but myself and fellow coach Mike were very pleased that it wasn't a complete washout despite the rain and those runners that did come along had a great opportunity for some 1:1 coaching!
During the session, rain had eased to a drizzle and then finally subsided by the time we were stretching and PWRs were gathering ready for group runs to begin. As with previous weeks I was umming and ahhing whether to head home or stay out for a group run. I decided on the latter. Numbers were low this evening and I went with group 3 in an all ladies group with only 4 of us. We trotted along very happily and at a comfortable pace, after some fairly uncomfortable runs of late I was really pleased I had steeled myself to go out with the club as I really enjoyed myself. Nice run to round out the weekend.
Monday, 4 June 2012
#juneathon Day 4: at Seaford Head
The Seaford Half Marathon seemed to have passed over me yesterday without me noticing but I had other plans. However as a little tribute I decided on my run this morning to run the last few miles of the course up along Seaford Head and down to the seafront. A very very windy run but lots of friendly faces, some clearly suffering the after effects of jubilee parties over the past couple of days! My Garmin was playing up towards the end which meant I had to keep stopping and starting it, this meant that when I loaded up my stats I was able to perform a sort of dot-to-dot puzzle to determine my final distance (or thereabouts!).
Sunday, 3 June 2012
#juneathon Day 3: Double hard bike ride

We started off along the seafront and made our way inland and onto the South Downs and up a horrendous hill, it was touch, I made it some of the way but there was no way without a real big run up I could have done any more. Lexi on the other hand did make it further than me but still not to the top... but you must understand that looking up the hill it was one of those that makes you think if you don't concentrate you will just fall off the hill as it is so sheer like a cliff face! (or maybe that's just me). On route up the hill we started to chatting to a local weather worn old boy who was very helpful with directions and must have pretty strong legs having walked up and down that hill for years!
Next step we went off road, over hills, through brambles, over stiles, we were in fact double hard b@stards and especially Lexi who was able to lift both bikes above her head single handedly whilst negotiating nettles and climbing a stile. soon we were back on my terrain, a road!
This didn't last long as we were soon off-roading again, I was enjoying myself although found this tougher than my usual rides, we have been going for about 9 miles and with less than a mile to go I went careering off the path and into a farmers field, miraculously I stayed on the bike but not all the crops faired so well.
A good fun ride but definitely hard work having to climb stiles with a bike.
Saturday, 2 June 2012
#juneathon Day 2: walking already, oh dear!

Friday, 1 June 2012
#juneathon Day 1: Pinch, Punch, First of the Month!
So today a reminder flashed up in my calendar.... it said don't forget to enter the Juneathon. The Juneathon is a sporting challenge whereby you commit to run (or exercise) every day of the month and blog about it. I first heard about this from a running club friend who had registered for the Janathon - essentially the same challnege in a colder month! I had thought at the time it sounded like the sort of thing that would suit me as I blog frequently and exercise a fair bit too, but January offer the risk of meddling with my marathon training plan, now June seemed a much better idea... at least it did back in January!
So today is ths first day of my Juneathon challenge, there is a long road ahead... well a 30 day road ahead... so I thought I'd better get cracking.
Well, I say that, I spent the day thinking how lovely it would be to go for a run when I got home... but first the dentist, then a cuppa, then I ate my dinner which meant I have to wait a while. Finally at 9:30pm I headed out the door, I planned a nice little 5km and set off on my route. I was home, seemingly a little quicker than planned so when I looked at my watch and saw it was only just over 2 miles I was confused but I went inside. I looked again a my route... it was in km not miles, not sure how I managed that but not a mistake I will make again, doh!
So today is ths first day of my Juneathon challenge, there is a long road ahead... well a 30 day road ahead... so I thought I'd better get cracking.
Well, I say that, I spent the day thinking how lovely it would be to go for a run when I got home... but first the dentist, then a cuppa, then I ate my dinner which meant I have to wait a while. Finally at 9:30pm I headed out the door, I planned a nice little 5km and set off on my route. I was home, seemingly a little quicker than planned so when I looked at my watch and saw it was only just over 2 miles I was confused but I went inside. I looked again a my route... it was in km not miles, not sure how I managed that but not a mistake I will make again, doh!
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