Monday 4 May 2015

Netball doing other stuff!

It would seem that of late Netball have been doing other stuff and lots of it!! There are baking courses, hairdressing courses, triathlons but before all this other stuff there was running. 

About 5 years ago both me and Kate had taken up running and didn't really know for a few 
months that the other one had. When we found out we both promptly signed up to a half marathon and a full marathon and that was the beginning....

So this morning, years later it is now the norm for us to get up, get our trainers on and get running. 

Our route plan was in the hands of Kate as we headed out of the door and towards the canal. We reached the canal and I must admit I had to ask Kate to slow down if she expected me to be chatting too as I was getting out of breath! 

After a while it was pointed out that the side of my head had gone yellow!! It seems that there was still paint powder in my pores which was now being sweated off, mmmmm janudice head! 

Along the canal, past the football ground, along residential streets we ran and chatted as the miles were eaten up beneath our feet and before we know it we were back at the house and it was time for brekkie. A lovely chatty run with a very good friend, a shame we are not more local as after 5 years our pace seems to have fallen perfectly into alignment. 

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